Where the hampster wheel always turns

About Me

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Middle aged underweight high school graduate
"It is not advisable James to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged
"The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now." - John F. Kennedy

I re-read yesterday's post and chuckled again reliving the event. I know it's a good thing I write these little moments down, I'm confident my tiny brain wouldn't recall them. I do have to admit, knowing some of you who read my blog, I'm surprised at the lack of comments.

There are a few possibilities for this:

1. My life leaves you speechless. This is likely the most rational explanation since when you bump in to me, you have gathered your thoughts and share them freely. I'll see some of you in the grocery store, out to lunch and even at church. Most of the time I get comments on how sorry you are for me. How embarrassed you are for me. How you enjoy laughing at me.

2. You are embarrassed to know me. This is also a rational possibility. I do have a few 'followers' who are entirely made up, anonymous with fake e-mail addresses. Now, I understand not wanting to be seen in public with me. I get that from my kids all the time. What I don't understand is why you don't leave your sassy little comments anonymously. I don't have a magic tracking system to decipher who you are. The government might, but since I'm not in tight with them right now they probably won't grant me access to their technology.

3. You don't know how to type. This possibility is me grasping at straws. Unless you have to have your children help you log in to my blog, which come to think of it, some of you actually do, you should be able to hunt-and-peck out a comment or two.

4. It's not that interesting. There is a likelihood that you return day after day just hoping, praying, that one time I might, like a blind squirrel, post something interesting. Until then you're withholding comment.

Who knows?

5 responses to "Deafening Silence"

  1. I've tried to post multiple times, but it doesn't accept my comments. Not witty enough? Too vanilla? Who knows. What I do know is your blog is thoughtful and generally good for a belly laugh!


  2. When I have tried to leave comments I can't get your site to work (the magic letters you have to type are cut off). Most of the time I'm just plain lazy (you left that option off). Like most of America I want to sit back and be entertained and not have to do a thing!


  3. It's not the readers, it's the blog. It struggles to allow us to post. Today wasn't bad though. I only had to click "post" 4 times and I didn't have to yell and scream about how the box to type the special letters in was not visible. I did finally find a way around that one, but it looks like you removed that requirement (thank goodness).

    Lisa Marie

  4. heh, i try when i have a moment, but i never get any response back...hmmm. i wonder why that is. here are a few possible reasons:

    1. you know i could never be as comical as you, so why waste your time.

    2. i'm about 10 years behind you and you don't want to "give anything away"

    3. you don't really remember who i am(although i know you really do ;)

    there, i thought that was a funny little comment =)

    holley family

  5. Well, I'm glad I said something. I had no idea it was a technical difficulty. Thanks for reading, thanks for commenting... Anonymous, Bonnie, Lisa - thanks.

    Noel... Noel... Hmmm, Noelll who? Oh, you're that gal who married the Brad guy! Good grief I know who you are. Yes, I'm ahead of you but I'm not THAT old. ;)

    Thanks everyone!


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