I understand all you kind people who have time to check my blog and then e-mail me wondering why I haven't posted yet. Really there are multiple reasons.
First, My children have sucked all the life out of me. I'm thoroughly enjoying summer. I'm ready for it to be past tense. I've decided that I may have to rethink my parenting strategy 'cause this whole "being involved" thing has worn me out. My parents turned me lose each summer morning and didn't see me for, well, days. I suppose one could argue (If I were totally narcissistic) that this was a good parenting strategy.
I, on the other hand, have been preparing my children for the start of school next week. Reawakening their brains, forcing math drills, typing tutorials and exposure to Chinese. They've had to read a series of books on the Revolutionary War, structure of Government and the National Mall and then pass a test. I know, it's a wonder they haven't moved out.
Second, my days are all the same. OK, except for the dog breath freshener, lesbian greeting cards and body drool I wake up, eat, bother my kids, work out, bother my kids some more, eat again... my routine is a creativity killer.
Third, I have a TV. I've decided today this is a bad thing. I grew up without a TV and see the wisdom in it since the TV I watched today made me yell and throw things. Paula Deen can sure get a rise out of me.
No, really, besides the Food Network, I'm a political junkie. One can't be a political junkie and watch TV. It's not good for the heart. Watching plans for healthcare, Supreme Court nominations... normally I would read about this in the paper and have a more modulated reaction. Not so watching the TV. I've tried pretty hard to refrain from political commentary on my blog. It's hard for me. The reality is, what's going on right now is not funny. Not funny at all.
Fourth, 113 degrees. No commentary necessary.
So thank every one of you who reads my blog, asks why I'm so lazy, wonder if I've checked out...I imagine that once school starts and my routine changes I'll have a flood of new ideas.
"It is not advisable James to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged
"The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now." - John F. Kennedy
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