The French have long prided themselves on their cultural superiority to, well, in their opinion, everyone. As a descendent of Napoleon Asseline the little French genes in me curdle at French mandatory disdain for all things American. In a society where arrogance is an art form, the French have obliterated the reality that were it not for those pesky Americans, they would all be speaking German.
Yet we are still seemingly influenced from this land of enlightenment. It’s fascinating that most of the suggested solutions for our current economic dilemma parallel the French post WWII reconstruction plan Dirigisme, elements of which still exist today with high levels of government stock ownership in banking, energy, telecommunications, transportation and automotive industries. Government in action. It seems to be going so well. Unemployment is at 8%, and France endures labor strikes every five minutes, postal, transport, oil, illegals, students...everyone in France apparently is required to strike at least once a year.
It was with delicious irony that I discovered this week that the French are oo-la-la hand wringing that the racist barbarians known as Americans actually elected a Black president before they did. Sacre Bleu! Zey are more evolved zan vee are!!!
President Sarkozy has rushed to appoint a new diversity minister and enact affirmative action programs throughout his government. Scores of interviews from the “French on the Street” gush with the hope this election gives all of Europe’s minorities. French rappers are hitting the pavement decrying the oppression they endure in France. Does anyone not notice how completely absurd all of this is? Does anyone else really want to avoid listening to a French rapper?
The reality is the world is smaller than we think it is and hope comes from many sources. It is right that Obama’s election would give hope to people. There is nothing more American than working hard and achieving success. It should inspire all of us and crush small minded notions of unearned superiority.
As we are days away from the landmark inauguration I feel great hope. I hope for all of us, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and yes even the French that a death knell has been struck for racism and victim excuses. I hope we all work harder to be better at who and what we are. I hope that we see that better things are possible and should be expected from all of us. I hope we recognize that as Americans influence the world. The reality is, right now they want to emulate our rappers AND our rulers.
"It is not advisable James to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged
"The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now." - John F. Kennedy
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