Where the hampster wheel always turns

About Me

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Middle aged underweight high school graduate
"It is not advisable James to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged
"The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now." - John F. Kennedy

Tonight I am scheduled to teach a cooking class. I have taught classes for years, all over the United States. I love teaching and really enjoy the interchange between people who bring different tidbits of information. I always learn something cool at my classes. For some reason people have lined up to hear what I have to present.

In gathering the materials for tonight, I've developed a titch of anxiety over the presentation. I've got my materials, I know what I'd like to present, I've taken some deep breaths - all to no avail. The problem is I teach healthy cooking classes. Tonight's student sample: teenagers.

Reeeet-reeeeeet-reeeeeet - reeeeet (Yes that was my literary attempt at the Hitchcockian horror movie sound.)

Teaching teenagers about healthy cooking is like trying to put a leotard on a cat. In theory it might sound like a good idea, in reality it proves to be rather futile, and neither you nor the cat come out of the experience unscathed.

Usually my material centers around less meat, more fresh produce and adding unique whole grains. Mom's love that kind of stuff. Teenagers consider it akin to water boarding. As I'm contemplating my well being I'm thinking of holding up a Ding Dong that was near a banana and calling it good.

This is the second class in a series, and the first went surprisingly well - although that class involved pizza. Teenagers speak pizza. Tonight's fare will include lettuce wraps, chicken pot pie and a marinara sauced pasta. I was all excited about my selections when I was informed by an unidentified teenager that most kids today won't eat lettuce.

Ding Dong that was near a banana anyone?

2 responses to "Dressing the Cat"

  1. Try buffalo wings (baked instead of fried with skins off) for a fun, healthy selection...can send you the recipe if you'd like!!


  2. Did you think of just showing some photos of obscenely obese people and trying the scared staight approach?


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