Where the hampster wheel always turns

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Middle aged underweight high school graduate
"It is not advisable James to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged
"The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now." - John F. Kennedy

With all the billions of cash ready to be dumped into the system one needs to question... where is the cash coming from? Was it tucked under the White House mattresses? Squirreled away in faux soup cans in the pantries of the DC elite? Apparently like some David Copperfield illusion we’re just going to make it appear.

I was levitated by David Copperfield in 1986. Called up on stage as the pre-arranged lightweight audience member who would fit on the levitation apparatus. David danced starry-eyed me around the stage till I was not only dazed with the headiness of being in front of an audience, I was dizzy from the twirling. He laid me on the suspension board, leaned over and as he kissed my cheek whispered “Don’t move or you will fall.” He then proceeded to do a solo dance I could only catch out of the corner of my eye.

In my disoriented state he proceeded with the illusion of levitating me, knocking the supports out from under the board, passing a glitzy hoola hoop around my body. To this day I have no idea how he did it, but also to this day, I’m glad the illusion was a success.

While I had no idea how Copperfield’s trick would come out, I was pretty sure I wouldn’t fall. I’m not so sure Congress’ trick is going to turn out such good results. As I watch home after home around me foreclose. As I hear the challenges of my friends and neighbors and the powerful impact the downturn in the economy is having I feel a little disoriented.

Certainly I’m no economist, but there seems to be a lot of starry eyed hope in the path we’re pursuing. Americans on the whole are an industrious people. There is something in most of us that values work and connects that those willing to risk should also be able to attain a reward. Seems we’re moving toward a state that wants to remove all of that.

As Congress proceeds to knock the supports out from under our board, devaluing the dollar in the process. I think too many of us are obediently lying still so we don’t fall. It will be a grand trick if it works. The only way it will work is if it puts more of us back to work.


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