Where the hampster wheel always turns

About Me

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Middle aged underweight high school graduate
"It is not advisable James to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged
"The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now." - John F. Kennedy

Thank you to my readers who have been following my little blog. I got a few e-mails yesterday sharing that some of you have been reading daily (wow) but unable to post your comments. I wish I were technologically savvy enough to help because I absolutely love the feedback. Unfortunately, I can barely operate my cell phone and only recently got a microwave so I'm of no help to you.

Scott "encouraged" me to set this up and I have enjoyed it immensely. Thank you so much for reading my musings, and for taking the time to e-mail me your feedback. This process makes my world a more wonderful place.

1 response to "Comments"

  1. Aselin - I read more often than I comment. Sorry. Very good stuff, all of it. Hope your voice is better!


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