Where the hampster wheel always turns

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Middle aged underweight high school graduate
"It is not advisable James to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged
"The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now." - John F. Kennedy

The school district called me this week. Apparently our illustrious president wants to address the nation's school children on the subject of staying in school. Staying on task, focusing on their goals. How nice.

Besides the fact that he is the least likely person in America to influence my children's commitment to school, way behind Sponge Bob and Bobby Flay, he may be slightly more influential than Michael Vick, and Tom DeLay, I try and remain open minded. Listening to the pre-recorded District message I learned a few other things that, well, let's just say, caught my attention.

I try and be fair-minded about these kinds of things. Problem is, as with many of the Federal activities in the last nine months, this speech is "Unprecedented." Yeah, I'm not such a big fan of that word. It's just a fancy way of saying "untested." Usually because the idiot who was here before you was smart enough not to try it out. But here we are, about to hear an unprecedented speech directed at kids while they're parents are at work. Hmmmm. The architecture design of the Titanic was unprecedented. The seven plagues upon Egypt were unprecedented. You know, this stuff usually doesn't turn out so well.

As you may remember from my run in with the Yodeler this summer, I am a conservative Libertarian. My preference is that the government protect our borders, fund highways and emergency personnel. Other than that I'm pretty happy if they stay out of my life. Every facet of it. My logic is they are the least efficent or effective entity in my world. I think for the most part we can all run our lives pretty well without their intrusion. I understand this would require giving up some "freebies" people are quite used to, but people, we have an economy poised to implode. I vote we get rid of the cable TV and the Hummer and scale it down a bit.

So the notion that my kids, all kids, will be participating in some sort of post speech discussion activity led by some of the most liberal people I know, kinda bugs me. The lesson plan has changed. Originally it was going to feature an interchange where the teacher invited each child to commit their support through a pledge to Barack Obama. What?

A couple of things. Since when did we decide to pledge to a leader?!? Term limits on presidents sort of make that one of the creepiest political ideas out there. I have always thought we had fought and died for an idea; for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. For equality in opportunity not equality in outcome. Since when did we start pledging to our leaders? (Tell me that link isn't creepy)

One of my friends does not want her kid participating, so she signed a paper to have her child do the "Alternative Activity". Suddenly the kids starts sobbing. The "Alternate Activity" is a punitive three page paper on why you don't support Barack Obama. Broward County Florida school district will punish any student who does not participate in the watching of the speech. Give me a break. A huge test of the appropriateness of all of these ideas is change the name of the President. If this were President George W. Bush, would these schools apply the same penalties? And honestly, would they even be broadcasting the speech at all? Yeah, I don't think so either.

So, many of you are asking me what am I doing with my unnamed children?

First, I want to state as clearly as possible. This is an inappropriate use of time and resources both from the Executive branch to the Department of Education. Not one dollar of this boondoggle is going to translate into motivating children. Parents and teachers already do that marvellously. The kids that drop out are not the segment of the population that thinks "I'm gonna be president one day." And for argument's sake, the one kid that's out there on Tuesday that decides and becomes President because of the speech, heck I'll give 'em a ride to DC.

Second and more importantly, I am against nationally designed educational anything. For the most part schools have powerful, effective teachers. GET OUT OF THEIR WAY!!! Legislating education from the federal level invades on state's rights. Now, I'm not too concerned about the states getting their feelings hurt. What I am concerned about is the product of the model in place. No Child Left Behind, my butt. Last year I volunteered 4 days a week for up to 4 hours a day working with a segment of the population we have agreed to teach but fail to instruct effectively. Kids who can't read. Kids so left behind by their poor language skills, over crowded classrooms, and ability to speak but not read English. These kids are destined to drop out of high school, work in dead end jobs and hopefully stay out of jail.

The lesson plans put out by the Department of Education are a thinly veiled attempt at an indoctrination into the cult of Obama. I want my children to stand at attention with reverence for the office of the president. They do not need to join a thought culture celebrating the demonization of America, or calling for it's radical change. America's inception and what it has produced, offer the most liberty and freedom to any group of mankind. Are there inequalities. Yes. But I'd rather be poor in America than poor in Calcutta. Hands down.

So here's where I stand. My children will listen to the speech, as will I. I have written the Principal of their school and spoken to my children - I want to know and see any follow-up activities they are assigned, even ones in class.

I think it's important to listen to all of our Presidents. It's just as important to be allowed to analyze what they say withought the "thought police" looking over your shoulder.

Thought police, elementary school kids. How much more unAmerican can this get???

4 responses to "I Pledge to Barack Obama"

  1. Not unlike many other families in the U.S., our family has been having this same discussion. Thankfully my children seem to understand the difference between having reverence for the presidential office and not having to pledge their service to this man.

    What is forgotten here is that the President is a public servant. He serves us. Not the other way around.

    Our elementary charter school is not showing the video at school, but rather requesting that those interested view it with their children at home…together later that evening. How did the White House team miss this idea? Our Jr. High is showing the speech. Their statement was: “The speech will be shown in all classrooms, and students who do not wish to view the speech will be able to go to the Library. No assignments or discussion will follow the viewing. All students will be encouraged to view and discuss the speech with their parents.” I have discussed it at length with my daughter and I am leaving it up to her to decide if she will be in the classroom or the library.


  2. Amen to absolutely everything you said. I've seen the "I pledge" video and it is creepy. Especially the part at the end where they say "I pledge to be a servant to the president." Uhm, last I checked the president was supposed to be serving us and doing what is best for the American people. Not the other way around. This isn't President Obama's country and he does not have the right to change it in to whatever he wants while we "serve" him.

    As I'm writing this I'm at work and I hear people upstairs in the clubhouse talking about that same video. Funny.


  3. I honestly don't get what all the fuss is about. If you know me, you know I am not a fan of President Obama; however, this speech (and I read the entire speech) seemed completely innocent to me. I don't buy the whole indoctrination idea. My children came home from school and I asked them about the speech, and neither one of them seemed affected by it at all.

    I trust the educators at my children's school and if they were OK with letting them listen, then let 'em listen I say.

    Finally, you asked the question if George W. Bush were making this speech, would it be broadcast? Probably not, but we conservatives wouldn't be asking to be in the classrooms and we wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it either.

    Compared with the speech President Obama has to make tonight to Congress to save his healthcare plan and quite possibly, his Presidency, this speech to children seems very inconsequential.

    Chad in the AZ Desert

  4. Ditto my friend!
    Our school did not show it - but I know why!
    They do not have the technology or space to bring everyone together in one room to hear the unprecedented speech. If it was convenient and we had cable and a tv in every room, I am sure my children would have seen it. Of course I would have been there too.

    What a waste of time. We all knew the content would be approved by all, because He had enough time to hear the uproar and change the speech. Then those in the White House are now pointing fingers at conservatives saying, "What was so bad about that. You got your panties all in a wad for nothing." Nothing is right! It's the same stuff I tell my children at home and they hear in school - what business is it of the Federal Govt? He has some bigger fish to fry right now.

    I keep telling people to stop over-reacting let the guy put his foot in his mouth first, then we can voice our opinion after the fact and analyze - they release these things to get feedback - let's stop the feedback to the WH.


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