Where the hampster wheel always turns

About Me

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Middle aged underweight high school graduate
"It is not advisable James to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener." - Francisco d'Anconia, Atlas Shrugged
"The soundest way to raise revenues in the long run is to cut taxes now." - John F. Kennedy

During the Revolutionary war, America fought for her identity. Sacrifices were made in behalf of an idea that would be bestowed on her ancestry. The idea that within a life well lived, anything was possible. That people have unalienable rights and that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness belong to each of us. The American Dream.

Since it’s inception, America has demonstrated her greatness in her restraint. Soldiers from all her armed forces have spilt blood around the world in defense of the weak and in defiance against evil. After overthrowing the dictator, unseating the oppressor, defeating the tyrant America has left in the wake the invitation to extend the liberties she bestows upon her citizens upon those she has liberated. As famously quoted, all she has asked in return is for some land to bury her dead.

In the vacuums of power, she could have conquered, but she didn’t.

To ‘remember’ is one of God’s great commandments. We are commanded to ‘remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.’ As we remember on this holy Memorial Day, those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, let us recognize that the numbers of those who have died is great. The number of those willing to die is greater. To volunteer for such service, to ask your family to support you in this endeavor creates a debt which we all incur, but too often neglect. Yet, soldier after soldier makes no demand for our attention. Once, in an airport I thanked a uniformed soldier. In a sobering exchange he didn’t swell with congratulations. He merely replied, “Maam, it’s who I am.”

It is often in the things we don’t do that we most reveal who we are.

In recognizing this Memorial Day may our remembrances include reverence for the fallen, honor for their sacrifice. Too many Memorial celebrations are merely ‘days off’, and barbecues. In neglecting to include remembrance, let us not reveal we are disconnected and ungrateful. May our omissions be small and our commissions revere.

As I take my family to the National Cemetery, and try in some small way to show my respect I pray my actions demonstrate the gratitude in my heart. Please let it not be said of me this day “She could have, but she didn’t.”

1 response to "She Could Have, But She Didn't"

  1. great post...the world and most Americans have forgotten this important fact of all our "warmongering" over the past 100 years...I think if we were all schooled a bit more on the differences between today's great modern empire and those great empires of the past people might grasp the huge difference. We are blessed to be Americans.


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